
Congruent triangles class 9 extra questions

Given below are triangles class 9 extra questions
a. Concepts questions
b. Calculation problems
c. Multiple choice questions
d. Long answer questions
e. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks Questions

Let ABC and PQR are two triangles such that
$ \Delta ABC \cong \Delta PQR$
  1. Side AC is congruent to ......
  2. Angle A is congruent to Angle .....
  3. Triangle ABC is ...... To Triangle ABC
  4. Side....... to equal to side QR
  5. The sum of the angles of A+B+C is equal to .......
  6. If $ ABC \cong XYZ$, Then PQR is ....... to XYZ
  7. If angle A is $60^0$ and angle B is $30^0$ then angle R is .......
  8. Angle P and Q in above cases would be ....... and ........


  1. PR
  2. P
  3. Congruence
  4. BC
  5. $180^0$
  6. Congruent
  7. $90^0$
  8. $60^0$ and $30^0$

True or False statement

True or False statement
a. A triangle can be constructed only when the sum of any two sides is greater than the third side
b. The median of the equilateral triangle are unequal
c. In the right angle triangle having sides 5,4,3. The side having 5 is the hypotenuse
d. In a triangle, the greater angle has the larger side opposite to it
e. The sum of all the angles in a triangle is 180
f. If $ABC \cong PQR$ then AC=PR
g. For an obtuse angled triangle, the circumcenter lies outside the triangle
h. AAA is the right condition for congruency
i. Each Angle of the equilateral triangle is 60°
j. A triangle can have two right angles
k. A triangle can have all the angles greater than 60°
L. A triangle cannot have all the angles less than 60°


g. True
L. True

Multiple choice Questions

Question 1
All of the sides of this triangle are equal. What kind of a triangle is this?
a. Scalene
c. Isosceles
d. Right triangle



Question 2
Which is these are valid for two triangles to be congruent?
a. AAA
b. SSS
c. AAS
d. SSA


(b) and (c)

Question 3
In a Triangle PQR, if $\angle R > \angle Q$ , then
(a) QR > PR
(b) PQ > PR
(c) PQ < PR
(d) QR < PR



Crossword Puzzle

congruent triangles Crossword Puzzle
Triangles class 9 extra questions


Triangles class 9 extra questions


This Triangles class 9 extra questions and important questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail. You can download this test as pdf also as below
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  1. Secondary School Mathematics for Class 9 - CBSE - by R.S. Aggarwal
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  3. Full Marks Maths Complete Study Material Class 9
  4. Mathematics class 9th and MCQs - by R.D. Sharma

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