Practice worksheets for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity and Circuits
In this page we have Practice worksheets for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity and Circuits . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share
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Question 1 State True or False
(a) Conductor allows the current to pass through it.
(b) Insulator does not allows the current to pass through it.
(c) Electric cell metal cap is a positive terminal.
(d) Electric cell metal disc is a negative terminal.
(e) A electric bulb with broken filament is called a fused bulb.
(f) An electric cell has four terminals.
(g) If the filament of the bulb is broken, the bulb will not glow.
(h) Air is good conductor of electricity.
(i) Themocol is an insulator.
(j) When the positive of bulb is connected with positive of the cell and negative of bulb is connected with negative of cell, the bulb glows.
(k) When the positive of bulb is connected with negative cell and negative of bulb is connected with positive of cell, the bulb does not glows.
Question 2
Match the column
Question 3 Crossword
Solve the below crossword Across
1. A device that is used to either break the electric circuit or to complete it.
6. Materials which allow electric current to pass through them
7. The tiny coiled metal wire present inside the bulb Down
2. A electric cell has two ______
3. Materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them
4. device which converts chemical energy into electric energy
5. the filament of a bulb breaks then it is called
6. The bulb glows only when _____ flows through the circuit.