Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity and Circuits
In this page we have Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 Electricity and Circuits . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share
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Question 1
What will happen if you join the two terminals of a cell without connecting them through a switch or a bulb?
(a) There will be no impact to cell
(b) The chemicals in the electric cell get used up slowly and cell will produce electricity longer
(c) The chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell will no longer produce electric current. It will stop working.
(d) None of these
Question 2
Which is of these are insulators?
(a) Seawater
(b) Distilled water
(c) Tap water
(d) None of these
Question 3
A simple device that is used to either break or complete the electric circuit?
(a) Switch
(b) Terminal
(c) Current
(d) Conductor
Question 4
What is false of electric cell?
(a) Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy
(b) It has a neutral terminal
(c) It has a Positive Terminal
(d) It has a Negative Terminal
Question 5
Which one of the following statement is false?
(a) Eraser is a bad conductor of electricity.
(b) Metals are good conductor of electricity.
(c) Our body is a good conductor of electricity.
(d) Plastic is a good conductor of electricity.
Question 6
(u) Electric cell
(a) P -> W, Q ->U, R-> V
(b) P -> U, Q ->V, R-> W
(c) P -> W, Q ->V, R->U
(d) None of these
Question 7
What is the direction of current flow?
(a) + terminal of cell -> Switch -> Bulb -> - terminal of cell
(b) - terminal of cell -> Switch -> Bulb -> +terminal of cell
(c) + terminal of cell -> - terminal of cell -> bulb -> switch
(d) None of these
Question 8
Materials which allow current to pass through them easily are called?
(a) Insulators
(b) Conductors
(c) Switch
(d) Battery
Question 9
Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them ?
(a) Insulators
(b) Conductors
(c) Switch
(d) Battery
Question 9
Which one of the following will allow electric current to pass through?
(a) Eraser
(b) Matchstick
(c) Plastic comb
(d) Iron Nail
Question 10
In an electric bulb, light is produced due to
(a) The glass case of the bulb
(b) The gas inside the bulb
(c) the thick wires supporting the filament
(d) the thin filament Question 11:
Match the column
(c)Electric bulb
(a) P -> A, Q ->B, R-> C
(b) P -> B, Q ->C, R-> A
(c) P -> C, Q ->B, R->A
(d) None of these
Question 12
In the below arrangement, the bulb will not glow, if it is connected to
(a) copper wire
(b) metal clip
(c) steel spoon
(d) Plastic
Question 13
Which is of these is true
(a) If the first bulb filament is broken, the second bulb will still glow
(b) If the second bulb filament is broken, the first bulb will still glow
(c) Both the bulb will glow even if one of the bulb filament is broken
(d) Neither of the bulb will glow
Question 14
In the above diagram, the switch is moved to On position
(a) Bulb A will glow first
(b) Bulb B will glow first
(c) Bulb C will be glow first
(d) All the bulb will glow together
Check your Answers
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (d)
6. (a)
7. (a)
8. (b)
9. (a)
10. (d)
11. (b)
12. (d)
13. (d) As the complete electric circuit is not created
14. (d)
What kind of cell is used in a wristwatch?
From which type of circuit, current can be drawn from the cell?
What is solar cell?
In a primary cell, the chemical energy is converted to which form of energy?
What is an electric circuit?
What is dry cell?
Name two appliances that work on electricity.
(i) Button cell
(ii) Complete circuit
(iii) A device which converts solar energy into electrical energy.
(iv) Electrical energy.
(v) An electric circuit is a path through which the current flows.
(vi) It is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy
(vii) Refrigerator/television/computer/micro oven/ induction cooker
<Question 16 Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements & give reason for your answer
(a) Electric current can flow through metals.
(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.
(c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of Thermocol.
(a) True; Metals are good conductors of electricity. So, an electric current can easily flow through them.
(b) False; Jute string is a bad conductor of electricity which means it does not allow electric current to flow through it. Hence, it cannot be used to make a circuit.
(c) False; Thermocol is a bad conductor of electricity. Hence, electric current cannot pass through it.