
Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light shadows and Reflection

In this page we have Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light shadows and Reflection . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Multiple choice questions

Question 1
Which of the following is a false?
(a) All objects cast shadows.
(b) Mirror changes direction of light that falls on it
(c) image in a plane mirror is of the same size and colour as that of the object.
(d) Coloured objects form coloured shadows
(e) The phenomenon of bouncing back of light after falling on the surfaces of the objects is called reflection of light.

Question 2
What is true about reflection from plane mirror?
(a) The image formed by plane mirror is erect and virtual.
(b) Size of the image formed by plane mirror is equal to the size of the object.
(c) The distance of the image behind the plane mirror is equal to the distance of the object from the mirror.
(d) All the above

Question 3
Which of the following is sources of artificial light?
(a) electric bulb
(b) Candle
(c) Torch
(d) All the above

Question 4
What is lateral inversion?
(a) Image looks shorter in size
(b) Image looks larger in size
(c) The right side of the object appears to be the left side of its image and vice-versa
(d) None of the above

Question 5
Two statement are given
Statement A: We cannot see our image in the mirror in complete dark room because there is no light to reflect.
Statement B: We cannot see objects through T shaped pipe because light travels through straight line

(a) Statement A is correct only
(b) Statement A is correct only
(c) Statement A and B both are incorrect
(d) Statement A and B both are correct


1. (a), (d)
2. (d)
3. (d)
4. (c)
5. (d)

Question 6
(i)Ramesh was asked to close his eyes while looking towards bright sunshine. Now, cover the eyes with your palm still keeping them closed. Do you notice any difference? On the basis of this experience, state whether your eyelids are transparent, translucent or opaque.
(ii)How will you convert a transparent glass sheet into a translucent sheet? Suggest any two ways to do it.
(iii)Three identical towels of red, blue and green colour are hanging on a clothes line in the sun. What would be the colour of shadows of these towels?
(iv)Why is shadow formed when an opaque object comes in path of light?
(v)Why you cannot see our images in the mirror in complete dark room?
(vi)Sanvi was trying to see through a N shaped pipe? Will she be able to see through it? Justify your answer.
(vii) Why polished surface causes glare in your eyes?
(viii) How do you see your image in the mirror?


(i)On the basis of the experience, we observe our eyelids are opaque.

  • By smearing a thin layer of oil, we may convert a transparent glass sheet into a translucent sheet.
  • By covering one side of the glass sheet by butter paper.
(iii)The colour of the shadow will always be black.
(iv)Ans. Light travels in a straight line and when opaque object obstructs it, shadow is formed.
(v)We cannot see our images in the mirror in complete dark room as there is no light to reflect.
(vi) No. she will not be able to see through a N shaped pipe because light travels through a straight line.
(vii) Polished surface cause glares in our eyes because they produce regular reflection of light.
(viii)Light rays reflected from parts of our body fall on mirror and are reflected back. When these reflected rays reach our eyes (reflected on our retina), we can see the image. Mirror has one surface painted so when we see the mirror light rays which reflect from our body not get pass through mirror.

Question 7
Name the following:
  1. The form of energy that helps us to see.
  2. The phenomena when light bounces off an object.
  3. The phenomena in which our left hand looks like right hand.
  4. Objects that cannot emit light energy by themselves.
  5. A smooth surface that reflects a clear image of the object.
  6. The materials which allow light to pass through them.
  7. An object on which an image from a mirror or lens can be obtained.
  8. The darkest part of shadow.
  9. Object through which light cannot pass at all. 


  1. Light
  2. Reflection of light
  3. Lateral inversion
  4. Non-luminous
  5. Plane mirror
  6. Transparent
  7. Screen
  8. Umbra
  9. Opaque

Question 8
Very short answer type of questions:
a. Name two non-luminous object.
b. What is the nature of image formed by a plane mirror?
c. Define light.
d. Name one living thing that emits light.
e. Give one example of a reflector.


a. Moon and wood
b. Erect
c. Light is form of energy which excites the sensation of vision.
d. Firefly
e. Plane mirror

Question 9
Short answer type of questions:
a. When are we able to see object?
b. What is penumbra?
c. What are natural sources of light? Give examples.
d. What do you understand by the term “rectilinear propagation of light”? name one transparent object.
e. List the materials that can be used to make a pinhole camera. State one use of this camera.


a. When reflected light from the object enter our eyes.
b. It is the less dark part of shadow. It is the outer part of shadow.
c. Those sources of light which occur in nature are called natural sources of light.
Examples are sun, meteors
d. Rectilinear propagation describes the tendency of light to travel in a straight line.Glass.
e. Pinhole camera can be made with simple material like cardboard, tracing paper etc. It can be used to image the sun and brightly lit objects.

Question 10
Complete the following table by giving appropriate examples fitting best to each category.
Important Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 Light shadows and Reflection


1. a-air
d- rock, iron
f- sheet of cellophane
2. c- a lighted torch
3. b- wood, e-spoon

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A)$\frac {5}{4}$
B)$\frac {1}{4}$
D)$\frac {4}{5}$
Question 2 Pinhole camera produces an ?
A)An erect and small image
B)an Inverted and small image
C)An inverted and enlarged image
D)None of the above

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