
Reproduction in Plants Important Questions

In this page we have Reproduction in Plants Chapter 8 Important Questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1
  1. __________________are known as male and female reproductive cells.
  2. In________________ and______________, new plants are produced from bulbs of plant.
  3. _________________, lemon and ___________________reproduce by stem cutting.
  4. The _____________and_______________ make up male part of the flower i.e. stamen.
  5. ___________________is a point on the stem or branch from where a new leaf arises.
  6. The ovule develops into the______________________ after fertilization.
  7. The transfer of pollen grains to the stigma with in the same flower or between flowers of the same plant is called__________________ pollination.
  8. The transfer of pollen grains to the stigma between from different plants of the same species is called _________________________ pollination.
  9. The process in which plants and animals give rise to more of their own kind is known as __________
  10. _______ is the reproductive part of the plants


a. Gametes
b. Onion and garlic
c. Rose, sugar-cane
d. filament, anther
e. Node
f. seeds
g. self
h. cross
i. reproduction

Question 2
a. Algae reproduce by __________________.
b. Banana and bamboo are underground stems called__________________.
c. If a new plant has to grow from an underground stem, the type of reproduction is called __________________.
d. Onion and garlic are __________________.
e. Potato is a modified stem it is called __________________.
f. The process of vegetative propagation where the stem of a herb or a Shrub is cut and planted in the ground is called __________________.
g. An orange flower is not unisexual because it has __________________.
h. The male reproductive part of the flower is the __________________.
i. The __________________ develops inside the ovule.
j. The tip of the style of a flower is called the __________________.
k. During pollination when the pollen grains are transferred from the flower of a plant to another flower of the same plant we call it __________________.
l. An insect -pollinated flower will most probably have __________________.
m. When pollen grains from a flower reach the stigma of a flower of another plant of the same kind it is called __________________.
n. The union of a male gamete with the female gamete is known as __________________.
o. The __________________ develops into a root system.


a. fragmentation
b. rhizomes
c. vegetative reproduction
d. bulb
e. tuber
f. cutting
g. both stamen and pistil
h. stamen
i. egg cell
j. stigma
k.self pollination
l. brightly coloured fruits
m. cross pollination
n. fertilization
o. radicle

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 3
  1. What happens to the ovary after fertilization?
  2. What is the mode of reproduction in fungi, ferns and mosses?
  3. Where are pollen grains produced in a flower?
  4. What do we call to the fertilized egg?
  5. Name the seeds which get dispersed when the fruit burst


a. Fruit
b. Spores
c. Anther
d. Zygote
e. Castor

Match the column

Question 4
Reproduction of plants Class 7 Match the column question


Reproduction in Plants Chapter 8 Important Questions for Class 7 Science

Unscramble the below Jumbled word

Question 5


a. Pollination
b. Zygote
c. Gametes
d. Budding
e. Embryo

True and False statement

Question 6
i. Pollination refers to the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
ii. The spores are asexual bodies
iii. The fusion of male and female gametes is called fertilization.
iv. Pistil is the male reproductive part of the flowers
v. Rose produce bisexual flower


i. True
ii. True
iii. True
iv. False
v. True

Question 7
Reproduction of plants Crossword puzzle
2. it is a asexual reproduction in Yeast
3. the male reproductive part
5. Propagation of new plants from roots, stems, leaves and buds
6. the reproductive part of the plant
1. the female reproductive part
2. Leaves of this plant give rise to new plant
4. buds in the potato are also called ______

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