
Fibre to Fabric Chapter 3 Important Questions

In this page we have Class 7 Science Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric Important Questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1
Name the following methods:
(a) Removing fleece from the body of animals:
(b) Washing fleece to free it from grease, dirt and dust:
(c) Grouping of wool as per length, colour and texture:
(d) Colouring of the fibres:
(e) Twisting of fibre into yarns:



Question 2
Distinguish between silk and wool fibres?


Question 3
What is selective breeding and when do you prefer selective breeding?


The process of selecting parents for obtaining desirable characters in their offspring is known as selective breeding. The bred animals are known as breeds. ThisP method is used to improve the production and quality of wool. In this some sheeps are selectively bred with other sheep having desirable characters like resistance to disease, tolerance to environmental conditions, appearance of wool fibre and wool type.

Question 4
Mention the place and the type of wool that is obtained from the following breeds of sheep:
(a) Targhee
(b) Nali
(c) Lohi
(d) Barbado


Question 5
Identify the animal fibre:
(a) It absorbs good amount of moisture without becoming damp-
(b) It is secreted by a Caterpillar-
(c) It is fire resistant-
(d) It is a popular fabric for tailoring fine garments-
(e) It can be dyed easily and is very elastic-



Question 6
Why cannot a single Silk fibre form a thread?


A single Silk fibre cannot form a thread because it can be broken easily and too fine to handle.

Question 7
What are tasar and muga?


Tasar and Muga are wild Silkworms. The tasar silkworms mainly feed on leaves of Arjun trees and produce tasar silk.
Muga silkworms, found only in Assam, feed on the leaves of Som trees and produce lustrous golden yellow Muga silk.

Question 8
How do the farmers come to know that a silkworm is ready to spin a cocoon?


When the Caterpillars stop eating (shedded Mulberry leaves), at the end of the growth stage, farmers know that they are ready to spin their cocoons.

Question 9
Why does the farmer keep Silk moth's egg in warm and humid conditions?


Farmers who rear silkworms keep the eggs in a clean place under suitable warm conditions and humidity, so that the eggs hatch successfully.

Question 10
Why is it not advisable to wear nylon clothes while cooking?


It is not advisable to wear nylon clothes while cooking because synthetic fibres such as nylon melt and drop while they burn and it catches fire easily.

Long Answer type Questions

Question 11
Distinguish between silk and wool fibre?

Question 12
From what is Cashmere wool obtained?

Question 13
What is sericulture?

Question 14
Write the uses of camel wool?

Question 15
What are the health hazards of silk production?

Question 16
What are the characteristics of silk fibres? Describe the stages involved in the life cycle of a silkworm with a neat and labelled diagram?

Question 17
How will you distinguish wool from cotton fibre?

Question 18
Briefly explain the steps involved in the production of wool?

Question 19
Explain about the rearing and breeding of sheep?

Question 20
Briefly explain the steps involved in the processing of silk?

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