NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric
In this page we have Class 7 Science Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric Worksheet . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share
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Fill in the Blanks
Question 1.
(a) Angora wool is obtained from___________
(b) Liama and Alpaca also yield_____________ and are found in___________________
(c) The process of taking out threads from the cocoons for use as silk is called________________ the silk
(d) Rampur bushair yield_________________________ fleece.
(e) Lohi and Nali are breeds of_________________________________
(f) The process of selecting parent sheep for obtaining special characteristics in their offspring’s is called_______________
Angora goats
Wools and South America
Rajasthan and Punjab
Selective breeding
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 2 Choose the correct answer
i. Silkworms secrete fibre made of
(a) fat
(b) cellulose
(c) protein
(d) nylon
ii. Which of the following makes silk fibres –
(a) Larva
(b) Adult silk moth
(c) Pupa
(d) None of the above
iii. The most common variety of silk is –
(a) Tussar silk
(b) Kota silk
(c) Mulberry silk
(d) Mooga silk
iv. Pattanwadi is an Indian breed of sheep found in
(a) Gujarat
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Harayana
(d) Punjab
v. Sorter’s disease is caused by –
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungus
(c) Virus
(d) Protozoa
vi. Silk production involves the cultivation of –
(a) Blackberry trees
(b) Mulberry trees
(c) gooseberry trees
(d) Strawberry trees
Mulberry silk
Mulberry trees
Match the column
Question 3.
1. Lohi
a. Rayon
2. Nali
b. For hosiery
3. Pattanwadi
c. Good quality wool
4. Bhakharwal
d. Carpet wool
5. Artificial silk
e. For woolen shawls
6. Marwari
f. Coarse wool
1. Lohi
c. Good quality wool
2. Nali
d. Carpet wool
3. Pattanwadi
b. For hosiery
4. Bhakharwal
e. For woolen shawls
5. Artificial silk
a. Rayon
6. Marwari
f. Coarse wool
Short & Moderate Answer type Questions
Question 4
Answer the following in brief:
(a) The cut off ‘wool coat’ of a sheep (along with a thin layer of skin) is called.
(b) What are silk fibres made up of?
(c) Coarse wool is obtained from which breed of sheep and in which state of India it is found?
(d) Name two fibres which are made up of protein?
a. fleece
b. proteins
c. Gujarat
d. silk and wool
Question 5
Explain why woollen garments keep us warm in winter?
Question 6
Why shearing is done before winter season?
Question 7
Why shearing does not hurt the sheep?
Question 8
What are occupational hazards? Name one occupational hazard.
Question 9
How will you distinguish between natural silk & Artificial silk?
Question 10.
Draw well labelled diagram of life history of silk moth in sequence.
Question 11.
Write short note on processing of silk.
Question 12.
Explain the steps involved in processing of wool.
Question 14
A, B, C and D are all various types of fibres.
The fibres A and B are animal fibres whereas is C and D are plants fibres. The yarn made from A is used for knitting seaters whereas the made from B is used for weaving saris. The fibres C is used for filling quilts. Whereas D is used in gunny bags.
Match the column
Crossword Puzzle
Question 15 Across
1. It is a bacterium which causes a fatal blood disease called sorter’s disease.
3. The rearing of silkworms for obtaining silk is called
6. Pattanwadi breed of sheep’s are found in ______ Down
2. The process of taking out threads from the cocoon for use as silk is called ______ the silk.
3. they are caterpillars of silk moth
4. it is the process of removing thin layer of body
5. Silk Fibres are made of _____
Question 16
1.Cashmere wool is also known as ______
2.Alpaca is a species of ______
3.Silk was first discovered in ______
4.______ are the major wool-yielding animals.
5.The fibre which has curls and gives a spongy feel is ______
6.The fibre that leaves a hard residue upon burning is ______
7.The finest wool is obtained from the ______
8.The fibre which burns with the odour of burnt hair is ______
9.Mohair is a source of ______
10.The smoothest and finest of all fibre is ______
11.______ are mostly found in the mountains of China and Tibet.
12.Sharing is done mainly in the______ month.
13.The use of chemical dyes in wood industry can lead to irritation of ______
14.In ______ stage of a Silk moth is also called a Caterpillar.
15.A silkworm that feeds on Mulberry leaves gives ______
16.Silkworms spin their cocoons during the ______
17.The term 'scouring' related to obtaining wool from fibre means ______