
Micro-organisms Friend and Foe Worksheets

In this page we have Class 8 Micro-organisms Friend and Foe Worksheets. This worksheet contains all the format of questions like Multiple choice question,Long answer type questions, Fill in the blanks ,True and False. Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

1. Fill in the blanks:

(a) The tiny organisms that cannot be seen by naked eyes are called ....................
(b) The scientific study of micro-organisms is known as .....................
(c) Bacteria are ...................... organisms.
(d) Fungi are usually made up of thread-like structure called ..................
(e) Bacteria and fungi are useful to prepare................ medicines.


(a) Micro-organisms
(b) Microbiology
(c) Unicellular
(d) Hyphae
(e) Antibiotics

2. State whether the statement is true or false:

(a) Micro-organisms cannot survive under extreme environmental conditions.
(b) Viruses can only be detected under the electron microscope.
(c) Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic by using fungi Penicillium.
(d) Antigens cannot affect our immune system.
(e) Malaria is a vector-borne disease.


(a) False
(b) True
(c) True
(d) False
(e) True

3. Rearrange the letters to form a suitable word:

Class 8 Micro-organisms Friend and Foe Worksheets



4. Choose the correct option of the following questions:

(a) The scientists that deal with the micro-organisms are known as?

  1. Herpetologists
  2. Oncologists
  3. Cardiologists
  4. Microbiologists

(b) In which process micro-organisms are converted into sugar or alcohol?

  1. Fermentation
  2. Pasteurization
  3. Condensation
  4. Evaporation

(c) What are pathogens?

  1. Life-oriented micro-organisms
  2. Used to form antibiotics
  3. Disease-causing micro-organisms
  4. Used in the process of fermentation

(d) In which technique the milk is preserved by the dairy industry?

  1. Heating
  2. Pasteurization
  3. Fermentation
  4. Cooling

(e) In which process the micro-organisms lose water from their bodies in the presence of excess salt or sugar in food?

  1. Diffusion
  2. Preservation
  3. Osmosis
  4. Antigen


(a) 4
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 2
(e) 3

5. Name of the following:

(a) The tiny organisms that cannot be seen from the naked eyes.
(b) The process by which the micro-organisms are converted into alcohol or sugar.
(c) A simple plant-like organisms that have cell walls and possess chlorophyll.
(d) The organisms that are made up of single cell.
(e) A foreign substance that induces an immune response and produces a special types of proteins called antibodies.
(f) Dengue is caused by a mosquito.
(g) Ringworm is a type of pathogen.
(h) The process in which the growth of the micro-organisms slows down.
(i) The process in which maintaining the loss amount of loss water.


(a) Micro-organisms
(b) Fermentation
(c) Algae
(d) Unicellular
(e) Antigen
(f) Aedes
(g) Fungus
(h) Cooling
(i) Dehydration

6. Very short answer type questions:

(a) Which mosquito cause malaria?
(b) What do we call sphere-shaped bacteria?
(c) Which micro-organism is made up of thread-like structure called hyphae?
(d) Who discovered antibiotics?
(e) What do we call the special type of proteins that fight against antigens?


(a) Female Anopheles
(b) Cocci
(c) Algae
(d) Alexander Fleming
(e) Antibodies


This Class 8 Microorganisms Friend and Foe Worksheets is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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