
Reaching the age of adolescence class 8 Extra Questions

In this page we have Reaching the age of adolescence class 8 Extra Questions .This includes HOTS and short answer types. Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

HOTS Questions

Question 1.
Below given is an image, study it and answer the questions:
Reaching the age of adolescence class 8 Extra Questions
a. Identify the disease.
b. Name the hormone related to it.
c. Which gland is affected?


a. Goitre
b. Thyroxine
c. Thyroid

Question 2.
why do you think adolescents are more prone to drug abuse than young children?


It is the period of when the adolescents feel insecure and confused. Try to be self-independent. Develops their own opinions. The mood swings and behavioural changes are due to the hormones. So, all these can tempt them to take drugs.

Question 3.
Below given is an image, study it and answer the questions:
Reaching the age of adolescence class 8 Extra Questions (Science Chapter 7)
i. Identify the process shown in the picture.
ii. Name any one organism which show this type of life cycle.
iii. Which hormone is responsible for this process?


i. metamorphosis of frogs
ii. insects/ silkworm
iii. thyroxine

Question 4.
Rashi and Sita were having burger, pizzas and chips for lunch. They usually have it everyday. Are they eating healthy? give reasons


No they are not eating healthy. they are consuming junk foods which will cause them diseases like cyst in ovary, diabetes, heart disease and will make them obese.

Question 5.
What is vital change which marks puberty in boys and girls?


During puberty, the human body undergoes several changes, but the most important hanges which marks puberty is that boys and girls become capable of reproduction.

Question 6.
Rashi had visited her biology lab and saw a skeleton. She was not sure whether it is of male or female skeleton. How do you think she can understand just by seeing the skeleton?


female skeleton has wider hips unlike males that help others to identify.

Question 7.
Is uterus thickening permanent or temporary?


No it is not permanent. uterus thickening happens every month in anticipation of the foetus, however when there is no fertilisation, the uterine wall degenerates and is released from the body as blood and mucus.

Question 8.
Why does boys have deep voice than females?


Boys have deep voice as they have adams apple highly developed unlike girls.
ermanent. uterus thickening happens every month in anticipation of the foetus, however when there is no fertilisation, the uterine wall degenerates and is released from the body as blood and mucus.

Question 9.
What will happen if water lacks iodine?


If water lacks iodine, tadpoles fail to develop into adult frogs.

Question 10.
Why government has made certain age for marriage?


on certain age of puberty both boys and girls reach a common age, where they develop mentally and sexually. That is why after reaching certain maturity marriage should be performed.

Answer the following in brief:

Question 11.
What are the causes of AIDS?


AIDS is caused by a dangerous virus called HIV , this virus can pass on to a normal person from an infected person by Infected blood, Infected needles, sexual contact, Infected mother to her baby before birth, Injectable Drug Abuse.

Question 12.
List two changes in physical appearance in males.


shoulder broadens, chest widens.

Question 13.
Name the female hormone produced by ovary



Question 14.
What is the cause of goitre in human beings?


The under secretion of thyroxine hormone by thyroid gland causes swelling of thyroid gland which causes swelling of the neck or larynx which is called as goitre.

Question 15.
Name the gland which produces adrenaline and growth hormone.


adrenaline- adrenal gland
Growth hormone- pituitary gland

Question 16.
Why is exercise important during adolescence?


Keep body fit and healthy, builds up stamina.

Question 17.
Why drugs should be avoided?


It is addictive in nature, it can ruin health, harm the body.

Question 18.
What will happen if growth hormone is less secreted?


If growth hormone is secreted less then an abnormally short stature a condition called dwarfism takes place.

Question 19.
Ravi was asked to take a balanced diet, but he was reluctant to consume, later on his mom explained the reason for the need to consume it. What do you think his mother must have told him as the benefit of balanced diet.


Balanced diet contains all nutrients in right proportion, it is essential for mental and physical growth.

Question 20.
State the function of the following:
i. testosterone
ii. Oestrogen


i. Testosterone regulates sperm production in the males.
ii. Oestrogen regulate the menstrual cycle.


This Reaching the age of adolescence class 8 Extra Questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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