
Class 10 Science Control and Coordination Important questions

In this page we have Class 10 Science Control and Coordination Important questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social shar and comment at the end of the page.

a. Multiple Choice Questions
b. Very Short Answer Questions
c. Short Answer type
d. Long answer questions

Match the column

p-> ii
q ->iii
r ->iv
s -> i

One Mark Questions

Question 1
Give an example of a plant hormone that promotes growth.

Question 2
What are plant hormones?
A plant hormone is a chemical substance which is produced naturally in the plant and regulate growth and physiological processes o bring about control and coordination of various activities in plants.

Question 3
Name the largest cell present in the human body?
Nerve cell or neuron.

Question 4
Name two tissues that provide control and coordination in multicellular animals.
The two tissues that provide control and coordination in multicellular animals are nervous tissue and muscular tissueRead more on -

Question 5
Why is control and coordination system necessary in organisms?
All organisms have mechanisms to control their functions. However, in higher organisms the system required is more complex as the individual is a complex multicellular organism with the parts separated by greater distance.

Question 6
What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis comes from two words- ‘homeo’ meaning same and ‘stasis’ meaning steady state within the body

Question 7
Give examples of some of the movements shown by plants
Movements as in animals is absent in plants except in cases of sperm cells of ferns and mosses swimming towards the egg. In plants, movement is association with the growth of the plants. For example, the shoot system moves towards sunlight and the root system towards earth.

Question 8
What are growth regulators?
Growth regulators are the chemicals that either promote or inhibit growth of the plants, their development and their responses to the environment. They are also called the phytohormones.

Question 9
What are the stages of growth in plants?
Growth in plants has three stages: Cell division, Cell enlargement, Cell differentiation.

Question 10
Name the different phytohormones.
The different phytohormones are auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and abscissic acid.

Question 11
What are auxins?
Auxins are phytohormones that are concerned with shoot and root elongation, maintaining dormancy and apical dominance.

Short Answer type

Question 12
Name the hormones responsible for regulation of:
(i) Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
(ii) Water and electrolyte balance.

Question 13
Write the main functions of the following:
(a) Sensory neuron
(b) Cranium
(c) Vertebral column  
(d) Motor neuron
Question 14
State the role of the brain in reflex action.
Reflex actions are immediate and involuntary responses to specific stimuli. They are crucial for an organism's survival as they allow rapid reactions to potentially harmful situations. Reflex actions are generally associated with the spinal cord. In a reflex action, the brain plays no part.The spinal cord, which reacts without thinking about how to respond to stimuli, is in charge of these automatic actions.

Question 15
Write two differences between the response of the plants and response of the animals to stimuli.

Question 16
Name the plant hormones responsible for the following functions:
(i) Growth of the stem
(ii) Promoting cell division in plants
(iii) Wilting of leaves
(iv) Inhibits growth
(iii)Abscisic acid
(iv) Abscisic acid

Question 17
How do plant cells change their shape?
Plant cells can move by increasing or decreasing the water content in it

Question 18
How does feedback mechanism regulate the hormone secretion?

Question 19
Give four major functions of auxins.
Four major functions of auxins are:
  1. Elongation of stem and root: In high concentrations it causes stem elongation ad in low concentration, it causes root elongation.
  2. Apical dominance: As long as the apical buds produce auxins, the lateral buds are not allowed to grow.
  3. Prevention of abscission: As long as the leaves and fruits produce auxin, they remain attached to the plant. If they stop producing auxins, they fall.
  4. Parthenocarpy: Auxins induce the ovaries to produce fruits without fertilization and this is called Parthenocarpy. It results in seedless fruits. For example, papaya, orange, etc.

Question 20
What are gibberellins and where are they synthesized?
Gibberellins are plants hormones that are mainly responsible for cell elongation. They are synthesized in embryos, young leaves, root tips, buds and seeds.

Question 21
What is the most important commercial application of gibberellins?
GA-3 (gibberellic acid), a gibberellin that has been studied the most, causes the barley seeds to produce the starch- digesting enzymes like maltase, amylase. This process is called malting. It is used in the brewing industry.

Question 22
What are cytokinins? Give an example.
They are phytohormones that induce cell division even in mature tissues. They were named ‘cytokinins’ as the cell division is also called cytokinesis. For example: zeatin, a cytokinin present in maize grains.

Question 23
Give one use of cytokinins in tissue culture.
Cytokinins are used in tissue culture to induce cell division in mature tissues.

Question 24
Name the phytohormone that causes ripening of fruits. Give one more function of this phytohormone.
The growth regulator that causes ripening is ethylene. It also promotes flowering.

Question 25
Name a growth inhibitor. Give two of its functions.
Abscisic acid is a growth inhibitor. Its functions are:
  1. It causes bud and seed dormancy
  2. It results in abscission of leaves and fruits

Question 26
What are the control and coordination mechanisms developed in animals?
The two control and coordination mechanisms developed in animals are: Nervous system, Endocrine system

Question 27
How does the conduction of messages take place in?
(i) Nervous system    
(ii) Endocrine system

Question 28
What are exocrine and endocrine glands?
Exocrine glands are those which pour their secretions into a duct. For example, sweat glands, tear glands, etc. endocrine glands are those which are richly supplied with blood vessels and pour their secretions into the latter. The secretions reach their target through blood. These glands are called the ductless glands as they do not have ducts. For example, thyroid, adrenal, etc.

Long Answer type

Question 29
What are the functions carried out by the nervous system in human beings?
The functions carried out by the nervous system in human beings are:
(i)It perceives the changes around us through our senses (ii)It controls and coordinates all the activities of the muscles in response to the changes outside. (iii)It also maintains the internal environment of the body by coordinating the functions of the various internal organs and the involuntary muscles (iv)It stores the previous experiences as memory that helps to think and analyses our reactions (v)It conducts messages between different parts of the body.

Question 30
What are the three types of nerves?
The three types of nerves are:

Question 31
(i)What are receptors?
(ii)What are effectors?
(i)Receptors are structures at the ends of the nerve fibres that collect the information to be conducted by the nerves.
(ii)Effectors are muscles or glands which work in response to the stimulus received from the motor nerves.
Question 32
What are the three divisions of the human nervous system?
Human Nervous system can be divided into:
(i)Central nervous system
(ii)Peripheral nervous system
(iii)Autonormic nervous system

Question 33
What is the central nervous system composed of?
How are organs of the central nervous system protected?
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.
The organs of the central nervous system are protected by three membranes called the meanings and a fluid within these membranes called the cerebrospinal fluid. The latter acts like a shock absorber of the brain. The brain is protected by the hard skull and the spinal cord is enclosed inside the bony vertebral column.
Question 34
Name the different region of the brain and their parts?
There are three main regions of the brain.
Class 10 Science Control and Coordination Important questions

Question 35
(i)What is cerebrum? What are its functions?
(ii)What is meningitis?
(i)Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is a part of the fore brain. It is made up of two hemispheres called the cerebral hemispheres. Cerebrum is responsible for the intelligence, thinking, memory, consciousness and will power.
(ii)The brain and the spinal cord are protected by membranes called the meninges. An infection of the meninges is called meningitis.
Question 36
Define phototropism. Explain it with an example.
Question 37
Name and state briefly one function each of any three phyto – hormones.
Question 38
You must have noticed that as you approached 10 – 12 years of age, many dramatic changes appeared in your body. State reason.
Question 39
Draw a diagram showing the correct positions of pancreas, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal gland in human being.
Question 40
Draw a labelled structure of neuron and explain the function of any two of its parts.


This Class 10 Science Control and Coordination Important questions with answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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