
LCM and HCF Calculator

  • Enter the values of the 2 or more numbers seperated by commas whose LCM and HCF need to be calculated Example 2,3,4
  • Click on the calculate button.

Formula used
$ LCM(a,b,c,d) = LCM(LCM(LCM(a,b),c),d)$
$ HCF(a,b,c,d) = HCF(HCF(HCF(a,b),c),d)$

LCM And HCF Calculator

What is Least Common Multiple

  • Least Common Multiple or LCM of two numbers a and b is the smallest postive integer which is evenly divisible by the numbers a and b. It is called lowest common multiple or Lowest common divisible.
  • LCM can be obtained using prime fractorization technique. Here we find the LCM using the below Formula
    $LCM (a,b) = \frac { HCF(a,b)}{a \times b}$

What is Highest Common Factor

  • Highest Common Factor or HCF of two numbers a and b is greatest postive integer which divide numbers a and b. It is called Greatest common Factor or Greatest common divisor.
  • HCF can be obtained using prime fractorization technique. Here we find the HCF using the Euclid Divison Lemma

How the HCF and LCM calculator works

  • First we need to input the positive integers whose LCM is required to be calculated
  • Now first we calculate the LCM of first two values using the formula
    $LCM (a,b) = \frac { HCF(a,b)}{a \times b}$
  • Now the LCM obtained and third number is taken and LCM is again obtained using the same technique.
  • We keep doing until all numbers are absorbed, final LCM is obtained
  • Similarly we obtained the HCF
Example of Few questions where you can use this HCF and LCM Calculator
  • Find the LCM & HCF of 12,8,16,32
  • Find the LCM $ HCF of 3,8,18,36

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