
Classification Of elements Questions and Answers

Short Answer Questions

Question 1
Write down the general outer electronic configuration of
(i) p block elements
(ii)d block elements
(iii)f-block elements


(i) p-block elements $ns^2np^{1-8}$
(ii)d -block elements $(n-1)d^{1-10}ns^{1-2}$
(iii)f -block elements $(n-2)f^{1-14} (n-1)d^{0-1} ns^2$
(iv) Actinoids : $5f^{1-14} 6d^{0-1} 7s^2$

Question 2
Lanthanoids and actinoids are placed in separate rows at the bottom of the periodic table.Why?


It is done to maintains its structure and to preserver the principle of the classificationn by keeping elements with the similar properties in a single column

Question 3
Electron gain enthalpies of nobles gases have large positive values. Why?


Noble gases have a stable octet electronic configuration of ns2 np6 (except for helium, which has 1s2), making them highly resistant to gaining additional electrons. Their electron gain enthalpies are significantly positive because adding an electron would require it to enter a higher principal quantum level, resulting in a highly unstable electronic configuration. As a result, energy must be supplied to force an extra electron into the atom.

Question 4
What is the basic difference in approach between Mendeleev s Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic Law?


Mendeleev Periodic Law states that the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic weights whereas Modern Periodic Law states that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers. Thus, the basic difference in approach between Mendeleev s Periodic Law and Modern Periodic Law is the change in basis of arrangements of elements from atomic weight to atomic number.

Question 5
What is the significance of the terms "isolated gaseous atom" and "ground state" while defining the ionization enthalpy and electron gain enthalpy?


Isoloted Gaseous atom means that the atom should be free from other atoms in the gaseous state. No energy should be required to separate of further from other atoms. Ground state means the lowest energy state possible for that atom. These terms are used for comparison purposes

Question 6
Among the species. $N^{3-},O^{2-}, F^{ }, Na^{+}, Mg^{2+},Al^{3+}$
(i). which of these is isoelectronic atoms
(ii). Arrange them in order of increasing ionic radii.


(i)Each one of these ions contains 10 electrons and hence all are isoelectronic ions,
(ii)The ionic radii of isoelectronic ions decrease with the increase in the magnitude of the nuclear charge. Among the isoelectronic ions: $N^{3-},O^{2-}, F^{ }, Na^{+}, Mg^{2+},Al^{3+}$
, nuclear charge increase in the order:
$N^{3-} < O^{2-} < F^{ } < Na^{+} < Mg^{2+} < Al^{3+}$
Therefore, the ionic radii decrease in the order:
$N^{3-} > O^{2-} > F^{ } > Na^{+} > Mg^{2+} > Al^{3+}$

Question 7
Nitrogen has positive electron gain enthalpy whereas oxygen has negative.However, oxygen has lower ionisation enthalpy than nitrogen. Explain.


The outermost electronic configuraton of nitrogen ($2s^2 2p_x^1 2p_y^1 2p_z^1$) is very stable because p-orbital is half filled. Addition of extra electron to any of the 2p orbital requires energy.
Oxygen has 4 electrons in 2p orbitals and acquires stable configuration i.e., 2p3 configuration after removing one electron.

Question 8
How would you explain the fact that first ionisation enthalpy of sodium is lower than that of magnesium but its second ionisation enthalpy is higher than that of magnesium?


After removing 1 electron from the sodium atom the ion formed acquires the configuration of inert gas, neon. The second electron is removed from one of the 2p-orbitals which are completely filled i.e., have a total of 6 electrons and are closer to the nucleus

Question 9
Helium has a electronic configuration of $2s^2$ but it is placed in p-block in group 18 . Why?


It has completely filled valence shell and exhibit properties & characteristics of other noble gases

Question 10
Select from each group the species which has the smallest radius. Give reason also
(i) O,$O^-$,$O^{2-}$
(iii) Si,P,Cl


(i) The species O has the smallest Radius because the radius of anions is always larger than the radius of the atom from which it is formed.
(ii)$K^+$ has the smallest radius.In $K^+$, the outermost shell is third whereas in $Sr^{2+}$ itis fourth
(ii)Cl has the smallest radius .Si,P and Cl belongs to the same period .In a period atomic radius decreases with increase in atomic number due to increase in effective nuclear charge

Long Answer Type

Question 1
Describe the classification of elements given by Mendeleev. What were its merits and demerits?

Question 2
Explain the variation of atomic and ionic radii in a group and across a period.

Question 3
What is the significance of the diagonal relationship in the periodic table? Provide examples.

Question 4
Discuss the factors affecting ionization enthalpy, with examples from the periodic table.

Question 5
How do the properties of elements vary in the d-block of the periodic table?

Question 6
Define these terms
(i)Metallic Radius
(ii)Covalent radius
(iii)Electron gain enthalpy
(iv) Electronegativity
(v)ionisation enthalpy.

Question 7
Discuss the IUPAC name of the elements with atomic number > 100

Objective Type Questions

Question 1
Which of the following is a inert gas?
(iv) Nitrogen

Question 2
Diagonal relationship is shown by
(i) Elements of Ist period
(ii) Elements of 2nd period
(iii) Elements of 3rd period
(iv) None of the above

Question 3
Which one of the following is a metalloid?
(i) C
(ii) Si
(iii) Ge
(iv) Pb

Question 4
Among halogens, the correct order of amount of energy released in electron gain (electron gain enthalpy) is:
(i) F > Cl > Br > I
(ii) F < Cl < Br < I
(iii) F < Cl > Br > I
(iv) F < Cl < Br < I

Question 5
Which one of the following is isoelectronic with Carbon?
(i) $Na^+$
(ii) $Al^{3+}$

Question 6
Which has the lowest ionization potential?
(i) Li
(ii) Cs
(iii) Cl
(iv) I

Question 7
The value of the ionization potential for inert gas?
(i) Zero
(ii) Low
(iii) High
(iv) Negative

Question 8
The number of elements in the 5th period of the periodic table are
(i) 8
(ii) 10
(iii) 18
(iv) 32

Answers 1-8

1. (iii)
2. (ii)
3. (ii) and (iii)
4. (iii)
5. (iv)
6. (i)
7. (iii)
8. (iii)

Match the Column

Classification Of elements Class 11 Questions and Answers

Answers 1-6

(i) -> (d); (ii) -> (a) (iii) -> (b), (iv) -> (c)

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