
Class 6 Chapter 11 Science Air Around Us Extra Questions

In this page we have Class 6 Chapter 11 Science Air Around Us Extra Questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

I. Answer the following questions:

Question 1
Why does a lump of cotton wool shrink in water?


A lump of cotton wool has a lot of air trapped inside the space present in its fibers. When this lump of cotton is immersed in water, all the air is replaced by water. Because of this, the cotton lump shrinks in water.

Question 2
You will often see long chimneys in factories why do you think so it is present?


Chimneys take harmful gases and smoke of the factories away and prevent it from entering our nose.

Question 3
Why no water enters the bottle when it is inverted into a bucket of water vertically?


When an empty glass bottle is inverted into a bottle of water vertically, water does not enter the bottle because the bottle contains air. The bottle is already filled with air and hence water does not enter inside it.

Question 4
Do you think water has air in it? Justify.


yes, when water is heated the air dissolved in it comes out in the form of tiny bubbles.

Question 5
Why do organisms living in soil comes out during rainy season for respiration?


When it rains heavily, water fills up all the spaces occupied by the air in the soil. So, the     organisms living in soil has to come out for respiration.

II. Diagram based questions:

Question 6
Identify the organism. How do you think the organism get air for respiration?


The organism is earthworm.
They respire by taking oxygen present in the soil. Also make deep burrows and holes in the soil through which the air reaches them for respiration.

Question 7

i. What phenomena is shown in the picture?
ii. why do you think the candle in the second image stops burning?


i. oxygen is necessary for burning.
ii. when the burning candle is covered with a gas jar then the fresh supply of air to the candle is cut off and hence it stops burning.

Question 8

i. What is this above picture depicting?
ii. How does air help in the above process shown?


i. A windmill being used to run a pump to draw water from the ground.
ii. Air rotates the wind mill blades continuously. When the blades rotate the crank attached to the blades also rotate. When the crank rotates then its U-bend lifts pump rod up and down continuously. The rod works the pump which lifts the water from ground.

Question 9

  1. List the sources of dust particles that come into air.
  2. Why is it said that always breathe through nose and not through our mouth?


  1. Dusting at home, traffic on the roads, construction activities.
  2. Nose have fine hair and mucus to prevent dust particles from entering into our respiratory system. If we breathe through our mouth then the dust particles will enter the respiratory tract.

Question 10

  1. Name the cycle shown.
  2. How does air play an important role in bringing air?


  1. Water cycle
  2. Hot air being lighter rises up and carries water vapour high up in the sky and helps in bringing rain.


Question 11
Why do you think air becomes thinner higher up?


Air is a matter and is attracted towards earth due to gravity. Because of this reason air density is more at earth's surface but decreases as we go up and hence air becomes thinner as we go at higher altitudes.

Question 12
Carbon dioxide leads to global warming. It is important to have carbon dioxide in air. Why do you think so?


Carbon dioxide is an important raw material for photosynthesis by which the plant makes food.

Question 13
What would happen if the percentage of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere was reversed?


If the percentage of oxygen in the air reaches to around 78% then, if any substance catches fire it will become difficult to extinguish the fire, because oxygen supports combustion.

Question 14
Why we should not sleep under tree at night?


The plants leave carbon dioxide at night. On the basis of this it is that in the night if you sleep under the tree, you will not get oxygen, but get carbon dioxide which can be suffocating.

Question 15
The gas X is colourless and odourless having a slightly sour taste which is a minor component of air. It is moderately soluble in water. This gas neither burns nor support burning. It rather extinguishes a burning fire. If there were no gas X in air, there would be no animals or plants on earth.
  1. Name the gas X.
  2. State the percentage of gas X in air.
  3. Why is gas X important for our life?


  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. 0.03%
  3. This gas serves as a raw material for photosynthesis which provides food for the plant and for all other animals.

Question 16
Do you know of any planet or satellite where there is no atmosphere? Name some gases present there.


mercury. Hydrogen and helium are present.

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B)$\frac {1}{4}$
D)$\frac {4}{5}$
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B)an Inverted and small image
C)An inverted and enlarged image
D)None of the above

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