
Nutrition in Plants worksheet

This is a Class 7 CBSE Science Nutrition in Plants Worksheet. I have covered most of the topics. Take your time read the notes and practice all the questions in this test paper

Fill in the blanks(1 Marks each)

(1) Green plants are called __________ since they synthesise their own food.
(2) The food synthesised by the plants is stored as__________
(3) In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called__________
(4) During photosynthesis plants take in _________ and release____________
(5) Proteins contain__________
(6) Framers enrich the soil by adding __________ and__________
(7) In most of green plants, photosynthesis takes place in the__________
(8) Plants are unable to use atmospheric__________
(9) Green patches in stagnant water are aquatic__________
(10) During photosynthesis, __________ energy is captured by the leaves and stored as food.
(11) The occurrence of photosynthesis is tested by the presence of _____________ in the leaf.
(12) In lichena ______________ and _____________ live in symbotic association.
(13) During photosynthesis ___________________________ energy is converted into the _________________ energy of food.
(14) Leguminous plants are examples of _____________________ association.
(15) _______________________________ plants have Rhizobium bacteria in their roots.

Multiple choice questions (1 marks)

1. Amarbel is an example of –
(a) Autotroph
(b) Parasite
(c) Heterotroph
(d) Host
2. The plant which traps a feed on insects is-
(a) Cucuta
(b) Rose
(c) Pitcher plant
3. Which of these components of food can be synthesized by plants-?
(d)All of these
4. Which of these is/are necessary for photosynthesis to takes place-?
(a)Carbon dioxide
(d)All of these
5. The trapped insect gets entangled in the hair in-
(a)Green plant
(b)Insectivorous plants
(d)None of these

Very Short answer type questions (1 marks)

1. What are stomata?
2. Define autotrophs?
3. Name the end product of photosynthesis?
4. Name the green pigment present in the leave?
5. What are lichens?
6.What is nutrition?
7.Are birds autotrophs?
8.What is a heterotroph?
9.Give an example of saprophyte?
10.Do leaves that do not appear green have chlorophyll?
11.Name the gas that is produced during photosynthesis?
12.Give an example of a partial parasitic plant?
13.Distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
14.Write the word equation for photosynthesis?

Very Short answer type questions (1 marks)

1.The green coloured pigment present in the leaves of green plants _____________
2.The small pores on the lower surface of a leaf ___________________
3.Insectivorous plants grow in a soil which is deficient in ______________
4.Plants which feed on dead and decaying matter _____________________
5.Type of nutrition found in Amarbel __________________
6.Special structure in Cuscuta for absorbing readymade food from the host plant _________________________
7.Centrally located spherical structure in cell is ___________________
8.Kidney shaped cells which guard each stoma ____________________
9.A jelly like substance present between plasma membrane and nucleus is known as _________________________
10.The plant on which a parasitic plants climbs is known as _____________
11.A thin outer boundary with which a cell is enclosed __________________________

Fill in the blanks(1 Marks each)

1.Chlorophyll containing structure in a plant cell _______
2.Chlorophyll helps the plant to _______
3.An organism that obtains nutrients from decaying organic matter is called _______
4.Light energy is converted into chemical energy during the process of _______
5.The food synthesized by the plant is stored as_______
6.The food factories of the autotrophic plants are their _______
7.Mistletoe is an example of _______
8.Most plants and unicellular algae are _______
9.Insectivorous plants are _______
10.During photosynthesis the stomata helps in the intake of _______
11.The pipe like structures that transport the food in plants are called _______
12.Rhizobium bacteria that live in roots of certain plants _______
13.Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant through an opening called _______
14.The water taken up into the leaves make the guard cells _______
15.Organisms that make their own food are called _______


1. chloroplast
2. absorb energy from the sunlight
3. a saprophyte
4. photosynthesis
5. starch
6. leaves
7. parasitic plant
8. autotrophic
9. heterotrophs
10. Carbon dioxide
11. phloem
12. fix nitrogen
13. stomata
14. swell

Solved Questions

1. What is the role of stomata in photosynthesis?


The leaves of the plant absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the stomata.

2.What do chloroplasts contain?


Chloroplasts contain the green pigment called chlorophyll.

3.Where do Rhizobium bacteria live?


Rhizobium live in the roots of leguminous plants such as gram, pea and beans.

4.What do the phloem tube transport in the plant?


The food made by the leaves is in the form of sugar. It is transported to all the parts of the plant by a network of tubes called phloem tubes.

5.Define rotation of crops?


After growing a crop such as wheat or rice, farmers usually grow a crop such as bean, pea or gram to maintain fertility of the soil. This practice is known as rotation of crops. These crops produce nitrogenous substances in their roots and make the soil fertile.

6.Write a note on chlorophyll?


Chlorophyll traps energy present in sunlight and uses it to make food for the plant. Some plants have leaves that do not appear green. These leaves also have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in such leaves is masked by pigments of different colours.

7. Give two examples for each of the following:
(a) Parasites
(b) Autotrophs
(c) Saprophytes
(d) Insectivorous plants
(e) Symbiotic plants
(f) Leguminous plants


(a) Parasites- Cuscuta, Rafflesia
(b) Autotrophs- Mango tree, Neem tree
(c) Saprophytes- Mushroom, Yeast
(d) Insectivorous plants- Venus flytrap, Pitcher plant
(e) Symbiotic plants- Lichens, Mycorrhiza
(f) Leguminous plants- Peas, Beans

8. How do leguminous plants replenish in the soil?


Leguminous crops do not need as much nitrogenous fertilizers as cereal crops. The roots of leguminous plants contain legumes or nodules within which reside bacteria called Rhizobium. These bacteria convert the atmospheric nitrogen into a soluble form that replenishes the soil and can be absorbed by roots.

9.What is the difference between a complete parasite and a partial parasite? Give examples of each?


Class 7 CBSE Science Nutrition in Plants Worksheet

10.Which organisms have a symbiotic relationship to form lichens?


Lichens are a symbiotic form between algae and fungi. Algae have chlorophyll and produce food through photosynthesis while the fungi provide shelter to the algae and help it to survive in harsh weather conditions.

11.How does a saprophyte obtain nutrition?


The saprophytes such as fungi living in the soil feed on decaying plant and animal matter secrete digestive juices that break down organic matter into simpler substances and convert it into a solution. The saprophytes absorb the solution and obtain nutrition.

12.How can you prove that the process of photosynthesis requires sunlight?


Aim: To prove that light is required for the process of photosynthesis.
Material required: A potted plant, black paper and materials for the starch Test (Iodine solution).
(i) Keep a potted plant in a dark room for 24 to 48 hours.
(ii) Before keeping it out in sunlight, cover one of the leaves with black paper.
(iii) Leave the experimental setup in the sunlight for 6 to 8 hours.
(iv) Pluck two leaves, the one that was covered with black paper and any other healthy leaf from the plant.
(v) Now test the leaf for starch by iodine solution.
Observation: The leaf covered with black paper shows a negative result for the starch test (does not turn blue black in colour), whereas the other healthy leaf tests positive for starch ( turn blue black in colour).
Conclusion: The above experiment shows that sunlight is required for the process of photosynthesis.

13.How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?



Aim: To test for the presence of starch in a leaf after photosynthesis.
Material required: Iodine, a dropper, Bunsen burner, test tube, beaker, alcohol, white trey, potted plant.
(i) Keep a healthy potted plant in darkness for about 20 to 48 hours.
(ii) Pluck out a leaf of this plant before you keep it out in sunlight. This is leave A, which is your control.
(iii) Now pluck another leaf from the plant after it has been in sunlight for at least one to two hours. This is a leaf B, which is your experimental leaf.
(iv) Place both the leaves in a beaker containing hot water for a few minutes. Then take them out of the beaker. Pour alcohol in a test tube and immerse the two leaves in it.Keep the test tube inside a 1 litre beaker containing water and hea it.
(v) When the alcohol starts to boil, green colour comes out of the leaves and the chlorophyll starts to dissolve in the alcohol.
(vi) Take out the leaves and watch them in water to remove the alcohol.
(vii)Place the leaves on the white trey and add a drop of iodine on the leaves by the help of a dropper.
Observation: You will observe that Leaf A does not change its colour, whereas the colour of leaf B changes to blue-black, thereby indicating the presence of starch in it.

Resources for further reading
These are most of the resources we referred while preparing the notes for this chapter Nutretion in plants
  1. Photosynthesis for 7th class animated tutorial
  2. Activity to look for in animated form
  3. Good essay with easy language and explaination

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