
Class 10 Science Metals and Non Metals Practice Worksheet

In this page we have Class 10 Science Metals and Non Metals Practice Worksheet . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social shar and comment at the end of the page.

Fill in the blanks

Question 1
Stainless steel contains ________, _________ and ______.
Question 2
A process employed for the concentration of sulphide ore is _____
Question 3
An alloy containing copper (80%), zinc (10%) and tin (10%) is called_______
Question 4
The method of removing volatile matter from carbonate ores is known as _______.
Question 5
Bronze is an alloy of copper and _________ .
Question 6
________processes is used in the extractive metallurgy of magnesium.
Question 7
The main ore of copper is ________ .
Question 8
The reagent is used in Baeer’s process________
Question 9
In electrolytic refining, impure metal is used as ________ .
Question 10
A basic lining is given to a furnace by using__________


Fill in the blanks:-
1.Iron, chromium, carbon
2.Froth flotation
3.Gun metal
6.Fused salt electrolysis
7.Copper pyrites
10.Calcined dolomite

True/ False

Question 1
Sodium metal reacts with both hot water and steam.
Question 2
Bromine is a liquid nonmetal at room temperature.
Question 3
Metals can form positive ions by losing electrons to non- metals.
Question 4
Different metals have same reactivity with water and dilute acids.
Question 5
A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution.
Question 6
Metals have low melting and boiling points.
Question 7
Nonmetal reacts with hydrogen to form ionic hydride.
Question 8
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust.
Question 9
The presence of carbon in pig iron makes it very soft and malleable.
Question 10
Silver is the best conductor of electricity.



Short Answer type

Question 1
Name the following:
i. A molten metal that catches fire in chlorine gas and gives off white fumes
ii. A metal that forms two types of oxides and rusts in moisture; write their formulae also
iii. A metal used in hot water systems
iv. A metal used in long distance cables wires
v. A metal added to gold to harden it
Question 2
(i)Name the two ores of zinc commonly used.
(ii)Name two common alloys of zinc with their property and uses.
Question 3
Name the following:
i. A metal used in structural engineering
ii. A metal used as fuse wire
iii. A brittle metal, which is used to galvanize iron
iv. A metal whose chloride and sulphate salts are both insoluble
v. A metallic chloride that is soluble in hot water but insoluble in cold water.
Question 4
(i)Arrange the following metals in the decreasing order of chemical reactivity; placing the most active first. Cu, Mg, Fe, Na, Ca, Zn.
(ii)Give two metallurgical facts that justify placing magnesium above iron in the activity series.
(iii)In metallurgy, what do the term calcinations stand for? Give example?
(iv)Name two metals that occur in a free state nature. What is the method of refining them?
Question 5
A copper plate was dipped in AgNO3 solution. After certain time silver from the solution was deposited on the copper plate. State the reason why it happened. Give the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
Question 6
Name two metals which can displace hydrogen from dilute HCI.
Question 7
Why are the two non- metals, carbon and hydrogen are important chemical reference points with regard to the method of metal extraction and reactivity towards acids.
Question 8
Metals replace hydrogen from acid, whereas non-metals do not. Why?
Question 9
Name the metal which occurs below copper in the reactivity series. Also name the metal that lies just above hydrogen in the reactivity series.
Question 10
An element X on reacting with oxygen forms an oxide X2O. this oxide dissolves in water and turns blue litmus red.
Question 11
What is the behavior of magnesium when it is heated and steam is passed over it? Represent the equation.
Question 12
Can carbon dioxide react with magnesium?
Question 13
A zinc rod was kept in a glass container having CuSO4 solution. On examining, it was found that the blue color of the solution had faded. After few days when the zinc rod was taken out of the solution, a number of small holes were noticed in it. State the reason and give equation of chemical reaction involved.
Question 14
What is metallurgy?
Question 15
How does the term "Ore" differ from "Minernal" ?. give an example.

Long Answer type

Question 16
What are the three major steps involved in extraction of a metal after its ore is mined?
Question 7
(i)Carbonates and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxide ores, why?
(ii)Name the types of reduction processes involved in metallurgy with an example for each.
(iii)An ore gave SO2on heating with oxygen. How will you concentrate this ore?
Question 18
(i)In metallurgy what do the terms gangue, flux, slag stand for? Give examples.
(ii) In metallurgy, what does the term 'Roasting' stand for?
(ii) Name the by- product formed during roasting and give one of its uses.
Question 19
(i)How does roasting differ from calcinations? Give equations.
(ii)Why are aluminum containers used to transport nitric acid?
(iii) Why is Al obtained only by electrolytic reduction of Alumina (pure)?
Question 20
(i) Why is aluminum used to reduce metal oxides like Fe2O3?
(ii) What is "Thermite Welding"?
Question 21
(a)How is iron ore reduced in the blast furnace?
(b) Explain the chemical change that causes corrosion in iron.
Question 22
Explain the formation of an ionic compound between a metal and a non- metal by transfer of electrons with Mg as the metal and chlorine as the non �metal to illustrate your answer. Give the reaction that occurs.
Question 23
(i)If an iron nail is left in a filled bottle of boiled water how long will it take to corrode?
(ii) What is the one of the most important use of zinc?


This Class 10 Science Metals and Non Metals Practice Worksheet with answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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