
Class 10 Transportation | Life processes Important questions

In this page we have Important Questions for Class 10 Life processes Transportation . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social shar and comment at the end of the page.
a. Multiple Choice Questions
b. One Marks Questions
c. Short Answer type
d. Long answer questions

Multiple Choice questions

Question 1
Identify the phase of circulation which is represented in the diagram of heart given below.
Arrows indicate contraction of the chambers shown.

(a)Blood transferred to the right ventricle and left ventricle simultaneously.
(b)Blood is transferred to lungs for oxygenation and is pumped into various organs simultaneously.
(c)Blood transferred to the right auricle and left auricle simultaneously.
(d)Blood is received from lungs after oxygenation and is received from various organs of the body

Question 2
What prevents backflow of blood inside the heart during contraction?
(a) Valves in heart
(b) Thick muscular walls of ventricles
(c) Thin walls of atria
(d) All of the above


1. (b)
2. (a)

Very Short Answer type

Question 1
How do organisms like amoeba transport materials?
Amoeba is a unicellular organism. In unicellular organisms a single cell carries out all the life processes as the cell itself is the organism. The uptake of materials from the environment is through the general body surface and the transport within the cell is by diffusion.

Question 2
Why do higher plants and animals need a transportation system?
In higher plants and animals, the sites of absorption and synthesis are very specific and a greater distance from the other parts of the body. Thus, they need a transportation.

Question 3
What is mass flow system?
The transport of materials in bulk across the plant or animal body through the vascular tissue is called the mass flow system.

Question 4
Which transport system- plant or animal, does not use muscular energy?
Transport in plants does not use muscular energy.

Question 5
What are vascular plants?
The higher plants are also called the vascular plants as the transport in them is with the help of the vascular system.

Question 6
which are the materials transported in plants?
The materials transported across the plant body are water, minerals, food and metabolites like the hormones and vitamins.

Question 7
What are the two types of vascular tissues?
The two types of vascular tissues are xylem and phloem.

Question 8
What are the functions of xylem and phloem?
Xylem conducts water from the roots to the other parts of the plant and phloem conducts food from the leaves to the different parts of the body.

Question 9
Which tissue conducts organic substances in plants?
Phloem conducts organic substances in plants.

Question 10
Why are the sieve tube cells called so?
The sieve tube cells are joined end to end and their end walls are performed. This gives the appearance of a sieve and hence they are called as the sieve tube cells.

Question 11
What is the process by which carbon dioxide enters the cell?
The process by which carbon dioxide enters the cell is called diffusion.

Question 12
Define osmosis?
The process of movement of solvent particles from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentrations through a semi- permeable membrane is called osmosis.

Question 13
What is turgor pressure?
It is a positive pressure developed inside the cells due to pushing of the cytoplasm against the cell wall as cytoplasm gets more water.

Question 14
When does a cell become flaccid?
A cell becomes flaccid on losing water.

Question 15
What is active transport? Give an example.
Active transport is the transport are stomatal, lenticular and cutocular transpiration.

Question 16
What is transpiration?
It is the loss of water from the aerial parts of the plant in the form of water vapour

Question 17
What are the three types to transpiration?

The three types of transpiration are stomatal, lenticular and cuticular transpiration.

Question 18
What are stomata? Where are they present?
Stomata are opening on the surface of the leaves that are surrounded by the guard cells. They are present more on the lower surface of the leaves.

Question 19
How is the rate of transpiration affected?
The rate of transpiration is affected by many factors such as light, temperature, availability of soil water and atmospheric humidity.

Short Answer type

Question 20
Why is transpiration affected?

Transpiration is important because:
  1. It is responsible for uptake of water from the soil.
  2. It is responsible for movement of water and dissolved minerals from the roots to different parts of the plants.
  3. It results in cooling of the leaf surfaces, thereby protecting them from excessive heat.

Question 21
What is transpiration pull? What is its effect?
The force with which the water is pulled up the xylem is called the transpiration pull. The transpiration pulls results in a continuous stream of water called the transpiration stream extending from the xylem of the leaves to the xylem of the roots.

Question 22
What are lymph nodes? Name one.
The lymph vessels and ducts are enlarged at certain areas. These enlarged portions are called the lymph nodes or lymph glands. They contain lymphocytes that are involved in the production of antibodies during infection. The nodes are also lined by phagocytic cells that engulf the foreign bodies like the bacteria. The tonsil in the throat is an example of a bacterial infection.

Question 23
What are blood transfusion?
Replacement of blood from outside to make up for lost blood is called transfusion.

Question 24
What is agglutination?
The sticking together ( clumping) of red blood cells because of the reaction between antigens and antibodies is called agglutination.

Question 25
What are arteries and veins?
Arteries are blood vessels arising out of the heart and supplying blood to all the parts of the body. Veins are blood vessels that bring blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.

Question 26
How does the blood flow in the veins?
The blood flows in the veins by the action of the muscles of the veins and those of the skeletal muscles surrounding them.

Long Answer Type

Question 27
List the various functions of blood?

The various functions of blood are:
  1. Transport of nutrient, respiratory gases, excretory wastes, hormones, etc.
  2. Plays a role in immune system
  3. Maintenance of pH
  4. Maintenance of ionic balance
  5. Maintenance of water content
  6. Regulation of blood pressure
  7. Plays a role in temperature regulation
  8. Plays a role in homeostasis
  9. Plays a role in clotting

Question 28
Which are the two chambers of the heart? Which of the two is more muscular?. Explain the working of both of them
The two chambers are the upper atria ( auricles) and the lower ventricles. The ventricles are more muscular.

Question 29
What are the functions of the following in the heart:
(i) Aorta
(ii) Inferior vena cava
(iii) Auriculoventricular valve
(iv) Semilunar valve
(i) Aorta: It is a major blood vessel into which the ventricle pumps the oxygenated blood.
(ii) Inferior vena cava: The vein that collect the blood coming from the different parts of the body and pours it into the right auricle.
(iii) auriculoventricular valve: The valve between the auricles and the respective ventricle allowing the movement of blood in only one direction, that is, from the auricle into the ventricle and not vice- versa.
(iv) Semilunar valve: The valve having three semi- lunar shaped flaps. These valves only allow the flow of blood from the auricle into the aorta.

Question 30
(i)What is systole and diastole?
(ii)What are the stages in the pumping action of the heart?
(i)The contraction of the heart is called the systole and the relaxation of the heart is called the diastole.
(ii)There are three stages in the pumping action of the heart. They are:
  1. Auricular systole
  2. Ventricular systole
  3. Joint diastole (auricular and ventricular)

Question 31
(i)What are the ‘lub’ and ‘dub’ sounds produced by the heart?
(ii)What initiates and controls the pumping action of the heart?
(i)These are sounds of the heartbeat and they are produced when the valves close during the contraction or relaxation of the heart. At the start of the ventricular contraction or systole, the auriculoventricular valve closes with a ‘lub’ sound. The ‘dub’ sound is produced when the semilunar valve at the entrance of the aorta closes at the beginning of the joint diastole that is the relaxation of both ventricles and auricles.
(ii)The pumping action of the heart is initiated by a set of muscles called the sinoatrial node ( SAN). The rate of the heart beat is also controlled by the nerves and the hormones.

Question 32
What is ECG?
What is the normal value for blood pressure? Which instrument is used to measure the blood pressure?. Explain the working of it>
(i)ECG stands for electrocardiogram. It is the recording of the electro potential changes over the heart muscles. It is used for detecting any abnormality in the functioning of the heart that reflects as a change in the regular ECG pattern.
(ii)The normal value for blood pressure is 120/80 mm of Hg. Sphygmomanometer is used to measure the blood pressure.


This Class 10 Transportation | Life processes Important questions with answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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