
Class 10 Nutrition|Life processes Important questions

In this page we have Nutrition | Life processes Important questions with answers . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page. a. Match the column
b. Very Short answer type
c. Short answer type
d. Long answer questions

Match the column

Nutrition Important questions for Class 10


q -> a
r ->d
s -> b

Very Short Answer type Questions

Question 1
How are autotrophs classified?


Autotrophs are classified based on their source of energy. If they use the light energy of the sun, they are called photoautotrophs. If they use chemical energy of certain compounds such as ammonia and nitrites, they are called chemoautotrophs.

Question 2
Which are the two type of photosynthetic pigment?


Chlorophylls and carotenoids are the two types of photosynthetic pigments.

Question 3
What are the types of chlorophylls?


Chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B are the two types of chlorophylls.

Question 4



Question 5
How is the radiant energy of the sun utilized in the green plants?


Radiant energy consists of both light and heat energy. The light energy is trapped into chlorophyll molecules and then used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen in order to release energy. The heat energy maintains the optimum.

Question 6
How does light affect photosynthesis?


Low light intensity lowers the rate of photosynthesis. As the intensity is increased the rate also increases. However, after reaching an intensity of 10,000 lux (lux is the unit for measuring light intensity) there is no effect on the rate. Very high intensity may, in fact, slow down the rate as it bleaches the chlorophyll.

Question 7
What are macrophagous feeders?


The animals that take in large pieces of food are called macrophagous feeders. For example, hydra and sea anemone.

Question 8
What are microphagous feeders?


The animals that take in very small particles of food are called microphagous feeders. For example, earthworm and mussels.

Question 9
What are detritivores?


Detritivores are those animals that feed on dead plant and animal bodies after breaking them into small pieces. The digestion takes place inside the body.

Question 10
What is symbiosis?


ex="-1"> An association between two organisms of different species is called symbiosis. ‘sym’ means together and ‘bio’ refers ti living thing. For example, cattle and egret, man and intestinal bacteria, etc.

Question 11
What is parasitism?


ex="-1"> An association between two individuals where one is harmed and the other is benefited. The dependent one is called the parasite and the other one is called the host. For example, leech is an ectoparasite which sucks blood of the host, tapeworm lives in the digestive tract of man and causes disease.

Question 12
What are haustoria?


Haustoria are specialized structures found in saprophytes that are used to draw nutrients directly from the vascular system of the host. They are modified roots. For example, in Cuscuta.

Question 13
What is coprophagy?


ex="-1"> Feeding on faeces is called coprophagy.

Question 14
What are carrion feeders?


ex="-1"> The organisms that feed on decomposing animal bodies are called carrion feeders.

Question 15
What are insectivorous plants?


ex="-1"> The plants that trap and feed on insects are called insectivorous plants. These plants do have photosynthetic apparatus. However, they grow in nitrogen-deficient soil and hence, feed on insects to meet this deficiency. For example: pitcher plant, sundew, venus fly catcher.

Question 16
Which are the two sets of teeth in human?


ex="-1"> The two sets of teeth in a man are the milk teeth and the permanent teeth. Milk teeth are first to appear and are only 20 in no. they start falling y the age of 5 and are replaced by permanent teeth which are 32 in number.

Question 17
Give two examples each of saprophytes and saprozoans?


ex="-1"> (i) saprophytes- Mucor, yeast
(ii)saprozoans- chilomonas, Mastigamoeba

Short Answers Questions

Question 1
What are nutrients?


Nutrients are various organic and inorganic substances required by the organism to carry out their functions.

Question 2
What is autotrophic nutrition?


The process by which the organisms synthesis their own food using carbon dioxide and water is called autotrophic nutrition. For example, green plants, sulphur bacteria, etc.

Question 3
What is heterotrophic nutrition?


The process of nutrition where the organisms obtain their food from other organisms. For example, most of the bacteria, fungi and all animals. They are all dependent on autotrophs directly or indirectly.

Question 4
Why are green plants called producers?


The green plants trap the sun’s energy and the raw materials in food molecules. They form the basis of sustenance for all the organisms directly or indirectly. They are also called the producers as they produce food for all other organisms.

Question 5
What is photosynthesis?


Photosynthesis is a process which utilizes carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll to synthesize carbohydrates like glucose.

Question 6
What are the raw materials required for photosynthesis?


Photosynthesis requires the radiant energy of the sun, chlorophyll, carbon dioxide, water and minerals.

Question 7
From where do the green plants get carbon dioxide?


Many processes like respiration, combustion, volcanic activity, etc. release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is used by the terrestrial plants and the hydrophytes use the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water.

Question 8
How do green plants get water?


Water is absorbed by the roots of the green plants from the surrounding soil.

Question 9
Why are minerals essential in photosynthesis?


Minerals like magnesium form essential compounds such as chlorophyll. Hence, they are important for photosynthesis.

Question 10
How do plants obtain minerals?


Plants obtain the minerals from the soil by their dissolution in water.

Question 11
How do the plants obtain carbon dioxide and water?


Carbon dioxide is obtained from the atmosphere through the stomata that are present on the leaves. Water is drawn from the soil by the root of the plant and then transported to the leaves through the vascular bundles.

Question 12
Name the different types of heterotrophic nutrition?


Heterotrophic nutrition is broadly classified as holozoic, saprotrophic and symbiotic.

Question 13
What is holozoic nutrition?


The nutrition that involves the taking in of solid or liquid (in case of fluid feeders) particles of food which have to be further broken down into simpler particles inside the organism. These particles may be big or small.

Question 14
What are saprotrophs?


Saprotrophs are organisms that feed on dead and decaying matter. They secrete substances that decompose the dead matter and then take in the food. For example: Rhizopus, musroom, etc.

Question 15
Name two parasitic plants?


(i) Cuscuta

Question 16
What type of nutrition is shown in amoeba? What does it diet include?


Amoeba shows holozoic nutrition. Its diet includes bacteria, microscopic plants like the diatoms, minute algae, and microscopic animals like other protozoa, nematodes and even dead organic matter.

Long answer Type Questions

Question 17
What is the importance of nutrients?


The various nutrients carry out different functions such as i. Energy production
ii.Synthesis of materials for growth and repair of tissues
iii.Synthesis of materials for carrying out and maintaining life functions
iv. Synthesis of materials for immune system.

Question 18
Give account of the reaction of the photosynthetic reaction?


The reactants of photosynthesis are:
Carbon Dioxide: During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrates and this is called fixing of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is used by the terrestrial plants whereas the hydrophytes use the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water.
Water: During photosynthesis, hydrogen of water is used to fix carbon dioxide and its oxygen is released. Water is obtained through the root hairs by absorption.
Chlorophyll: They are pigments capable of absorbing radiant energy of the sun. There are two types of photosynthetic pigments- chlorophyll and carotenoids. Chlorophyll is the main pigments as they are involved in the conversion of light energy into chemical energy. The carotenoids also absorb light energy but they pass it to the chlorophyll molecules.
Radiant Energy: The radiant energy from the sun is the source of both light and heat energy for photosynthesis. Light energy is harvested by the pigments in order to carry out the breaking down of water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The temperature required by the enzymes to function is maintained by the heat energy of the sun.
Minerals like magnesium are essential as they form the structure of the pigment molecules. Minerals are obtained through water on form of dissolved salts.

Question 19
How are all plants and animals dependent on green plants?


The green plants are fed on by the herbivores which in turn by carnivores. Ultimately, the decomposers derive their nutrition from the dead plants and animals. Thus, all organisms are directly or indirectly dependent on the green plants.

Question 20
What are the steps involved in holozoic nutrition?


Holozoic nutrition involves the following steps:

  1. Ingestion- the food is taken in as small or big particles.
  2. Digestion- the food taken in is broken down into a solution form.
  3. Absorption- the digested food is observed into the cells and tissues.
  4. Assimilation- the absorbed nutrients are utilized by the cells and tissues for various processes.
  5. Egestion- the undigested food is then removed from the digestive tract as faeces.

Question 21
Write short notes on absorption?


Absorption is taking in of digested food by cells and tissues. This involves the absorption of food in the soluble form from the region of digestion into the tissues or in to where it has to be utilized or into the blood stream which transports it to the different tissues. This takes place through the cell membranes. The absorption may be passive or active. Passive absorption is through diffusion or osmosis without using energy. For example: Water is absorbed by osmosis. Active absorption needs energy. For example, absorption of glucose and sodium ions.

Question 22
How is food digested in amoeba?


Amoeba is a protozoan and holozoic. Since it is a unicellular organism, the digestion is intracellular. The food taken in remains in a food vacuole or gastric vacuole formed by the cell membrane and a bit of the cytoplasm. The vacuoles are transported deeper into the cells by cytoplasmic movements. Here they fuse with lysosomes that contains enzymes such as amylase and proteinase. Thus, amoeba can digest sugar, cellulose and protein. Fats, however, remain undigested.

Question 23
Describe the digestion of food in the small intestine?


The first portion of the small intestine, the duodenum gets the pancreatic and the bile juice. The chyme is acted upon by the enzymes and salts present in these two secretions. The starch is converted into maltose by the pancreatic amylase and the remaining proteins, proteoses and peptones into peptides are converted and amino acids by trysin. The bile juice emulsifies the fats and then converts them into fatty acids and glycerol by the action of lipase.
In jejunum, there is no digestion. In ileum, the food is completely broken down into the simplest of forms e.g. proteins into amino acids and carbohydrates into monosaccharides. This digested mass is now called the chyle and it is in a liquid form.

Question 24
What is the function of large intestine in the human digestive system?


Functions of the large intestine are:

  1. Storage of the undigested food temporarily or temporary storage of undigested food.
  2. Absorption of water from the undigested food to form solid faeces.
  3. Facilitation of the egestion of the faeces.

Question 25
What is the role played by the liver in addition to the digestion of food


25. Liver carries out the following after the digested food reaches the liver through the blood stream:

  1. Glucose is converted to glycogen and stored.
  2. Cholesterol is manufactured from some fatty acids.
  3. The amino acids are used to form required proteins.
  4. The ammonia produced by the above reaction is converted into the less harmful urea. the latter is then transported through the blood stream to the kidney from where it is excreted.

Question 26
What are the two types of digestion?


Two types of digestion are:
Mechanical: Mechanical digestion involves grinding of food into smaller particles by the teeth.
Chemical: Chemical digestion involves treatment of food by enzymes and breaking them into the simplest form in which they can be easily dissolved and then absorbed by the body.

Question 27
What are photoautotrophs?


Those organisms that synthesize food with the help of the light energy of the sun, carbon dioxide and water are called photoautotrophs. The process of synthesis of food in this manner is called photosynthesis.
For example-
cyanobacteria (blue-green bacteria, prokaryotes), algae and all green plants.

Question 28
What are the various factors effecting photosynthesis?


The various factors affecting photosynthesis are:

  1. Light intensity
  2. Carbon dioxide concentration
  3. Temperature
  4. Chlorophyll concentration
  5. Water and pollution

Question 29
How are parasites classified?


Parasites may be classified as:

  1. Ectoparasites that which live on the outer surface of the host (ticks, mites, leeches) and
  2. Endoparasites that which live inside the body of the host (tapeworm, liver fluje). Parasites are also classified as obligate or facultative.
  3. Obligate parasites have to live parasitically or saprophytically. For example, - Candida, Pythium.

Question 30
How does ingestion take place in paramecium?


Paramecium has a specific oral apparatus. Its oral groove consists of cilia which produce water currents. Only micro food particles reach cytopharynx through the cytostome along with the water current. When cytopharynx is full with food vacuole which pinches off from the cytopharynx and gets ingested.

Question 31
Name the digestive glands in the human digestive system and mention their secretion?


The digestive glands in human digestive system are present outside the digestive tract and within the tract.
Outside the digestive tract Salivary glands the main salivary glands are:

  1. Parotid Submandibular or submaxillary and sub lingual. They secrete saliva which contains salivary amylase.
  2. Liver it is large organ present on the right side just below the diaphagram. It secrete by juice which emulsifies the fats and lipids.
  3. Pancreas: it is present at the bend of the duodenum. It secretes pancreatic juice which consists of enzymes like the pancreatic amylase, trypsin and lipase.
Within the digestive tract
  1. Gastric glands: They are present along the stomach wall and secrete gastric juice. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid and enzymes like pepsin and rennin.
  2. Intestinal glands they are present on the intestinal wall in the ileum region. They secrete intestinal juice that contains maltase, sucrose, lactase and erepsin.


This Class 10 Nutrition | Life processes Important questions with answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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